Trainer: Social Theater & Ancient Wisdom Teachings


I am the dream. I am the play itself



Ami ta Migarda Raphaëla, 52 aña, mama di dos yiu muhé. Durante di 25 aña mi a risibí training intensivo den rekobrá  i implementá kualidat, forsa i sabiduria di hende muhe den mi trabou, negoshi, den bida privá i otro proyektonan. Mi ta pone e hende muhe sentral komo ganado riba podium di nan propio bida. 

Ik ben Migarda Raphaëla, 52 jaar,  moeder van twee dochters. Ik heb 25 jaar intensieve training gehad in het terughalen en implementeren van vrouwelijke kwaliteiten en wijsheid binnen werk, ondernemingen, privé en allerlei projecten voor succes. Ook zet ik vrouwen letterlijk en figuurlijk, centraal als winnaars op het podium van hun eigen leven.

In my teaching I incorporate several art forms including theatre, poetry, storytelling dance and visual art.

I am in the art of social transformation. Social artists are people who use creative skills to work with people or organizations in their community to affect change

As such I: 

  • help people ignite                                         their potential , removing   the obstacles that prevent them from being all   they can be.
  • show them way’s to acces their inner wisdom and knowledge.
  • help them grow beyond the energy depleting  polarities  of them versus us and failure trance
  • help create cooperation with  the     understanding of how to assist each other in a   harmonious growth
  • show people way’s to get what they want to   experience, to start playing for them, by help   them becoming the play itself


  • respect the uniqueness of every person and   group I work with
  • help improve society as a whole while helping   people find their own means of creative   expression.
  • create Theater for Social Change

Many people nowadays are looking for ways to live a more holistic life, a life where feeling, thought and actions are in alignment with spirit. They are turning to ancient spiritual practices as a way to bring balance into their lives. The most ancient spiritual practice comes from the wisdom of the ancient cultures from all over the world, the forerunner of all modern religions. I started on my conscious spiritual journey in 1989.


As a young black women born and raised in a culture with a history of black oppression, I followed the urge to go out in the world in order to find the core of me. Little did I know that the urge I felt, was life itself calling me on the so called vision quest. After having suffered a dramatic lost in my life, my quest took me to the ancient wisdom of the native American and the Siberian culture. All of a sudden I was this woman, walking the path of the powerful native traditions and their challenging initiations. There i learned about the core of being woman and building an empowered community.

I studied with Native American medicine men and women, African wisdom teacher and a powerful Dutch - Siberian shamanca. I was taught in the Siberian tradition, about the path of nature within a female body. I was called forth to dive into the Ancient Wisdom of the Feminine, and share it in this world.  

I grew in my confidence by working with Ghanian women claiming our beauty, confident and power, passed on to us by our ancestors.

I made theater with Sudanese people who have  lived in a war zone. I guided and empowered women from more than 20 different countries.

I empowered Dutch entrepreneurs by using ancient wisdom of the feminine power. I danced with hundreds of women . 

Later on I studied NLP, Heart IQ etc. I now bring these practices into my everyday life.  

My grandmother who we called Mama was a powerful woman who knew how to create community by embodying the feminine power. Silently she instilled this wisdom within me. 

By experience I know that we arise the incredible power that lives in us when we integrate the Ancient Wisdom of the Feminine into our everyday life's. 

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